Management Philosophies

Management Philosophies


Bell Electronics Corporation, being a producer of optoelectronics product/s devices and sensors resolves to ensure that every employee in the organization will have the proper training and understanding, the resources and the personal motivation to achieve the highest quality standards for our customers as well as the legal and other requirements that we subscribe.

Our vision for management system extends to a strong engineering team.  We feel that it is only through proper understanding of the product application and the waste management that we can appreciate the quality requirement of the product and its contribution to the environment.

It is our notion that quality should be built-in with production equipment among others.  The company will seek to work very closely with our equipment vendors by sharing with them our assembly expertise so that this can be translated to an equipment design capable of meeting, if not exceeding our customer’s quality requirements.

We will seek to understand raw material composition, raw material processing, proper handling systems, procedures and the waste management.  This is to ensure that a feedback system to our raw material vendors is practiced to help them produce only the best of material quality for our process’ consumption and the satisfaction of our customers and contribute for having healthy environment.


To provide an environment where our employees will feel proud, challenged and accomplished in the performance of their daily activities, and as such will take it upon themselves individually and as a team, to uphold the business objectives for our organization, our customers and other interested parties.

Core Values


As we value our company choosing BEST PEOPLE doing EXCELLENCE in all actions, to have a product of humble LEADERSHIP and to achieve lifelong LEARNINGS.

Quality Policy

Bell Electronics Corporation, as producer of optoelectronics product/s devices and sensor will provide an environment that will allow our customers to market their products with distinct advantage by giving the best possible value for money, always providing Quality product at the shortest possible time while ensuring the utmost Customer care.

We are committed to comply with all requirements of our Customers and legal/regulatory bodies and continually improve the effectiveness of our Quality Management Systems.

We will achieve this through our mission and vision as translated into our Quality Objectives.

Environmental Policy

Bell Electronics Corporation, shall establish and maintain management system with a commitment to continual improvement and prevention of pollution and compliance to relevant legal and other requirements.

Thereby we will:

  • Ensure health and safety of all our employees, neighbors as well as the community where we are situated by providing proper protective equipment, monitoring for compliance as well as sharing of our expertise.
  • Practice proper disposal or minimization of waste to minimize our contribution to the environmental degradation and pollution through recovery, recycling and re-use program.
  • Minimize resource usage.
  • Control our emissions to air and waterways through proper treatment and disposal by use of appropriate abatement and cost effective technology.
  • Train and ensure awareness of all team members and competence of personnel in areas where significant aspects/impacts exists.
  • Encourage EMS practices to our suppliers and contractors.

Armando S. Soriano
President / GM